Are you worried that clear braces are too expensive? Common myths about adult braces debunked

Are you looking for a way to straighten your teeth, but don’t want to wear a metal brace?

Have you heard that clear or invisible aligners can take longer and aren’t worth pursuing?

There are, in fact, many reasons to consider orthodontics as an adult and if you are worried about clear aligners taking too long or costing too much money, then you are in luck! They are more affordable than you may think, they are comfortable and they are quick, allowing you to get that straighter smile in no time at all!

What are some of the most common myths about undertaking clear braces Sydney CBD? Here, the top 5 myths that you may find on the internet are debunked for your information!

You can leave them out of your mouth

Technically you can, but not for long!

Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, can be left out of your mouth for about 2 hours per day, so you can eat and brush your teeth.

But it can delay treatment and even cause your teeth to relapse into their former positions if you leave them out for longer than that. To see the desired progress, keep them in for as long as possible!

Using a clear brace takes longer than regular braces

It would be a rare occurrence if a clear or invisible brace took longer than a metal one.

In adults, metal braces often take up to 2 years to complete the realignment, but with clear options, it can be completed in as little as 6 months.

If you have concerns about the length of time a clear brace will take, talk to your dental team or orthodontist for a more accurate breakdown of how long realignment may take in your case.

It’s too expensive for most people to afford

Many people worry that a clear or invisible aligner or brace will cost a fortune.

However, many dental teams are able to offer suitable patients financing options which will help you break down the cost into affordable monthly payments.

So, there’s nothing holding you back from getting that striking smile!


DIY braces or aligners are just as good

No, they aren’t!

Orthodontic work should be overseen by a professional and, while it is tempting to order DIY aligners (especially if you are a nervous dental patient) it is unwise and can actually cause more damage.

All caring and professional dental teams will aim to help nervous patients overcome their fears, so if you want a straighter smile but are worried about getting into the dental chair, search for a team who can help.

They cannot treat severe misalignments

As orthodontic care has progressed, it has been easier for invisible and clear aligners to treat more severe misalignments; even overbites can now be corrected using braces and aligners which don’t rely on metal or tightening. However there are also clear or ceramic fixed braces with unobtrusive wires and brackets which can also be used for more complex conditions.

But, as always, before beginning any orthodontic treatment, please talk to your dental team who can assess your needs and determine which brace is the right one for you.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


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