Common Questions About Invisible Braces Answered

When it comes to adult orthodontics and the straightening of teeth, there are more than a few options available.

And if you are looking for a way to straighten your teeth quickly and discreetly while also being able to eat what you want, you may be wanting to ask your dentist about invisible aligners.

So, what are some of the most frequently searched queries about invisible aligners online?

Can you smoke while wearing invisible aligners?

Technically, there is nothing to stop you from smoking while using Invisalign St John’s Wood, but most dentists will advise against it.

Not only will smoking discolour the aligners making them more visible, but smoking, as a habit, increases the chance of you developing gum disease which complicates orthodontic work as it can cause your teeth to come loose and even fall out.

If you need help overcoming smoking before wearing an aligner or brace, talk to your dentist.

Are clear braces worth it?

Many patients have concerns that when they begin treatment with invisible aligners, it will be overly expensive, unsuccessful or the treatment may do more harm than good.

However, these aligners have distinguished themselves from others on the market by being easier to fit around a busy work schedule, easier to maintain and, of course, providing exceptional results to those who use them.

Under the care of a dentist who is trained in the use of this brand of aligner, it is highly unlikely that it will be unsuccessful. So, should you feel confident in your dentist’s training and experience (always search for a trained provider beforehand), the results can be striking when an invisible aligner is used.

Do the aligners hurt?

Invisible aligners do not rely on force and pressure in the same way that standard braces do; there is no tightening or adjustments needed for these orthodontic tools to work and move your teeth.

traditional braces

But, that doesn’t mean that they are without some level of discomfort; they are designed to move your teeth and, due to their shape and customised fit, they do this by gently applying pressure to certain teeth. This can cause discomfort and, for most people who use invisible aligners, this is controllable with over-the-counter pain relief medication.

If you have concerns about associated discomfort and your aligners, talk to your dentist.

Can anyone wear them?

Invisible aligners are becoming more sophisticated and more able to handle complex cases of misalignment.

But, they are still not suitable for everyone; hence, why it is important to seek the advice of your dentist before beginning orthodontic treatment. Typically, patients who have mild to moderate cases of spacing, crowning and misalignment will benefit the most from invisible aligners and, should your dentist feel that this aligner can straighten your teeth, it is well worth trying them out.

How long will I need to wear them?

If you have a mild to moderate case of misalignment, then you may have to wear your invisible aligner for between 3-6 months.

However, it isn’t unheard of for patients to wear them for slightly longer so your treatment time will vary depending on the issues being corrected and their severity.

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