FAQs about oral implants answered

Are you looking for a straightforward way to close that gap in your smile without dentures or fitted bridges?

If so, you have probably heard of dental implants Sydney CBD and may have some questions about this type of procedure. Here, 5 common questions about oral implants are answered so you can assess if this is the right avenue for you.

How do I care for my oral implants at home?/

When you have had implants fitted, you will need to keep the implant site clean and free from debris to prevent dental infection. This means that you will need to rinse the area with salt water as required until the inflammation around the gums recedes.

Also, be sure to not put too much weight onto your implants, as this can cause them to fuse at an odd angle or may even cause them to come loose and fall out.

When will I need to have the prostheses attached?

After you have had your oral implants fitted, you can expect the fusing to take place between 3 to 6 months afterward. And this is when your dental team will aim to fit the prosthetic teeth.

But many factors can cause this process to be slightly longer, including your age and health condition. If after 12 months your implant has not shown signs of fusing to your jaw then your dental team will consider the process failed and will look at different restorative options.

What are the signs of infection I need to look out for?

As is the way with any surgery, there are some signs of infection to keep an eye out for. These typically include swelling around the implant site alongside discolouration; if your gum looks red or blue then this is a sign that there is an issue. If you feel unwell after having oral implants fitted then you will need to seek out urgent dental treatment before sepsis sets in.


One of my implants is wobbling; what should I do?

If it was fitted yesterday or a month ago, a wobbling implant is not something that should be ignored.

If you notice that one of your implants feels loose or you can physically see it wobbling in a mirror, then you need to contact your dentist to assess the underlying cause. In many cases, a wobbling implant is due to inflammation of the gums caused by the fitting or it can be related to excessive weight or pressure being placed on the implant too early.

Either way, get it checked out!

How long will my implants last?

Provided that you maintain your tooth implants correctly at home, then they should last up to and over 15 years without any problem. Luckily this maintenance is not tricky and is very similar to standard dental hygiene. Be sure to brush your restored teeth twice a day, floss between them to ensure that no plaque is causing irritation to the gums, and also aim to attend biannual check-ups with your dental team every six months.

Also, refrain from smoking cigarettes and drinking excessive quantities of alcohol, as these can cause issues with the gums which can prompt oral implants to fall out prematurely.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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