3 Cases that Require Treatment at an Urgent Care Facility

Early disease management plays a crucial role in decreasing the course of the illness and prognosis. Studies show that immediate diagnosis and treatment during the first three days of a disease can significantly lessen a patient’s symptoms. Therefore, healthcare practitioners strongly emphasize the importance of receiving walk-in urgent care near us in Eagle Mountain to have the necessary treatment and prevent further disease complications. Several conditions require consultation with a physician with subsequent laboratory and diagnostic workup.

1. Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common cause of fever and chills among females. This disease is characterized by overgrowth of bacteria in the urinary tract, which leads to systematized infection. UTI causes difficulty in urination, frequent urge to urinate, inability to empty bladder, and foul-smelling urine. As the infection spreads, it may also cause fever, nausea, vomiting, and chills.

UTI can be suspected based on the patient’s history and physical examination findings. However, the presence of pus, bacteria, nitrites and blood in the urinalysis is important to confirm the diagnosis. Once diagnosed, your physician will start you on oral antibiotics and pain relievers to ensure proper management. Lifestyle modifications, such as regular oral fluid intake, proper sexual hygiene, and a stronger immune system, are also pivotal in the prevention of UTI recurrence. If left untreated, bacteria that causes UTI may ascend to the passageway that facilitates excretion of urine.

2. Bronchial Asthma

Woman having an asthma attackThis is a common condition that causes sudden onset of difficulty of breathing. This respiratory disease is characterized by airway tightening, which limits entry of air into the lungs. Since it is often triggered by upper respiratory tract infection and inhalation of other extrinsic agents, it must be managed at the earliest sign of acute exacerbation. During an acute exacerbation, vital signs and oxygen saturation are regularly monitored. Your physician will hook you to oxygen support to facilitate better airflow for breathing. Nebulization is also given to relax medium and large airway muscles to reduce work of breathing.

3. Conjunctivitis

This is the most commonly acquired eye infection among children and adults. This disease is characterized by redness, inflammation, and swelling of the eye due to bacteria or viruses. It is highly contagious through direct transmission of the microorganism through hand-to-eye contact. Therefore, it is essential to receive immediate treatment for conjunctivitis due to its high transmission rate and long duration of the disease.

Your urgent care physician will prescribe you with eye drops that contain antibiotic and steroid components. This will reduce eye pain and discharge and shorten the course of the illness. As a result, conjunctivitis often improves after three to four days if treatment is given regularly.

According to the Urgent Care Association of America, a total of almost 15,000 individuals visit urgent care facilities in 2013 alone. Urgent care centers offer a faster and more cost-efficient alternative to receive immediate disease treatment. Therefore, it is crucial to visit an urgent care facility at the earliest sign of disease to restore your health and well-being.

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