Common Problems with Social Security Claims

Applying for social security disability is notorious for being a painful process. After all, this privilege can be a drain on Uncle Sam’s pocket when given generously. The evaluators follow strict guidelines to identify those who are truly worthy to receive payments. Get your social security disability benefits with as little stress as possible by avoiding the following mistakes usually committed by many applicants:

Not Seeking Legal Assistance Early

Start with an experienced social security disability lawyer in the state you live in. About 60% to 70% of applicants get rejected the first time usually because they do not know how to navigate the process properly.

Seeking legal advice as early as possible lets you know if you have a good case, to begin with. If it still needs work, a qualified social security disability attorney can provide instructions and assist you every step of the way to make sure the review team hears you. Having a good legal professional on your side can spare you from dealing with months of agony.

Not Making Every Doctor’s Appointment Count

Do not always assume that your doctor is taking notes about what goes on in your appointment. Without adequate information, your checkup may not seem useful on paper. Ask your physician to document everything to help your evaluator know what the appointment is all about.

Not Realizing That Everything is in the Details

hearing disability

When trying to convince strangers about your disability, you need to provide as many details about your illness and each of its symptoms as much as you can. Do not assume that everyone is familiar with what you’re going through, especially when you are suffering from a rare disease.

Produce all of the proof you can present to the review team, showing that your medical condition limits what you can do physically. What your evaluator only cares about is whether you are truly unable to work because of your illness. The best pieces of evidence are factual, verifiable, and provable.

Not Being Prepared for Close Scrutiny

Sometimes, a review team may show no empathy for your situation. This can be heartbreaking, especially when your illness has turned your life upside down. You need to be emotionally ready to handle criticisms, and you should exhibit patience when explaining your condition because not everyone has the imagination to put themselves in your shoes.

Not Establishing a Good Relationship With the Evaluator

You do not need to become best friends with the members of the review team, but you should at least stay in contact with some of them. Good communication with your evaluator allows you to discover the other documentation you need to produce to speed up your approval.

Not Appealing a Denial Immediately

Getting denied can be devastating, but do not wallow in self-pity or misery for too long. If the review team turns you down, focus on the next step in the process. Waste no time to file an appeal to avoid having to start from scratch.

A social security disability application is a hard-to-win battle. But with perseverance and strategy, you can expect positive results and receive the money you rightfully deserve.

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