Diamonds are precious, just like you

If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, then there’s a reason for that. They are precious and coveted by the people giving and receiving them. In the world of dentistry, the same can be said of Invisalign providers. Invisalign is used for realigning smiles that have mild to moderate alignment issues, such as crowded teeth, crossbite, gapped teeth, or over and underbites. However, there are elite dental practices that have been accredited by Invisalign as a Diamond Apex provider and you can search for such special dentists if you want someone who has treated thousands of patients. You will also be bound to find that there is a dentist in London who is in Invisalign’s exclusive club of Top 50 Providers in Europe, so if you really want to treat yourself to precious expertise that is perfect for someone as special as you, you can – you deserve the best!

What is Invisalign and how does it work?

Invisalign is a clear aligner system. The aligners are made bespoke for your mouth and may be removed for 2 hours daily. A digital scan is taken of your mouth to obtain the measurements of it and then an animation of your finished smile is also generated, before you start your treatment, to show you how wonderful your smile will be. Once you have your aligners, you will wear them over your teeth and they will be virtually invisible to others, because they are made of a transparent plastic material. The aligners apply pressure to your teeth to push them into the position that your dentist deems appropriate for securing you a beautiful and functioning smile. You will need to change your aligners every couple of weeks and then see your dentist for check-ups every 6 weeks as well.

The benefits of Invisalign

invisalign and woman

While you are wearing your aligners, it’s great to know that others won’t notice them in your mouth, so you can keep your self-esteem intact and it could even improve as your smile does too. You can remove the aligners for meals and cleaning your teeth, so you won’t need to avoid any particular foods and you will be able to keep on top of your oral health routine. However, you should also find that with improved alignment, it is easier to chew your food and if you have experienced any jaw pain, this could also be reduced too. What’s more, you may also find that it is easier to speak clearly when you don’t have misaligned teeth. Once you have completed your Invisalign treatment, you can then use your aligners as trays for teeth whitening in London as well!

Find out more

To see if Invisalign is the right treatment for you, you will need to first research the dental practice you wish to go to for your Invisalign treatment. Finding out if they are Diamond Apex providers or if they are in the Invisalign Top 50 Providers in Europe will certainly help you to ascertain whether or not this is the practice for you in terms of treating you with the experience and expertise you are looking for in your dentist. Once you have decided on this, you can then book in for a consultation to discuss the treatment options. After an examination of your mouth, you will be given the treatment options and if Invisalign is deemed to be the right treatment for you, you could shine bright like a diamond in as little as 6 to 18 months on average with your beautiful smile!

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