How to fix teeth that are not straight

Many people do not have perfectly straight teeth, and this can have an impact on their confidence and health. Teeth that are crooked or that protrude can cause a person to feel nervous about talking to others and even smiling. Covering the mouth is common in these circumstances, as is a general feeling of self-consciousness about the smile.

People who have teeth that are misaligned are more likely to have issues with their dental health, as they are usually harder to keep clean. This increases the risk of problems such as a build-up of plaque and bad breath, both of which can also affect confidence and self-esteem.

Thankfully, there are now a multitude of options for correcting these issues, including straight teeth at home London, traditional braces, Incognito braces and veneers.

Clear braces

Clear braces are a great option for any patient looking for straight teeth. They are made up of completely transparent aligners that slot over the teeth, creating a totally invisible means of orthodontic treatment. These braces are made to measure after having a record taken of the shape, size and position of the teeth, which means they apply targeted pressure to help them move into the desired position.

The aligners are exchanged every couple of weeks and can be delivered to the patient to minimise the need for any visits to the dentist. This saves the patient time and effort whilst still giving them the straight teeth they want.

Treatment with clear braces is quick and is often completed within a matter of months. The treatment time and results are dependent on the patient ensuring that they wear the aligners most of the time every day. They can be taken out for eating, but should be worn for around 22 hours per day to ensure that they are as successful as possible.

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Traditional braces

These braces are probably the ones most associated with having the teeth straightened. They involve metal wires across the front of the teeth that are held in place with brackets. Traditional braces can be used to treat virtually any issue relating to misalignment, and they deliver great results.

Incognito braces

Incognito braces are like the traditional ones in the sense that they feature wires and brackets. The difference is that they are worn behind the teeth instead of across the front. This means that they are very discreet and are unlikely to be spotted by others. These braces may be a good choice for someone who is not a suitable candidate for clear braces but who is concerned about feeling self-conscious during treatment.


Veneers are an alternative option for those who are unsure about getting braces. These thin pieces of porcelain are used as a seamless cover for the teeth and can be employed to improve the appearance of teeth that are not straight. Treatment with veneers delivers instant results in terms of making the teeth look straight and can also be used to create a newly white and bright look which is very desirable.

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