Four Signs Your Teen Is Suffering From Depression

Teen depression is a serious problem that a lot of adolescents experience these days. Academic pressure, issues with their peers and their changing bodies can take a significant toll on them. These can affect how they think, feel and behave.

Fortunately, there are many institutions that offer treatment programs for teens struggling with depression and low self-esteem. You can read this review of the Eva Carlston Academy, which focuses on psychotherapy for adolescent girls.

As a parent, it is also your role to guide your teenage child throughout recovery. But where and how do you start? Well, first, you have to know the signs that tell your kid has depression.

1. Emotional Changes

Does your child often show signs of sadness, such as crying spells, for no apparent reasons? Do they often get frustrated even with trivial matters? Any emotional changes with your child may already be signs of depression. One sign that your child is experiencing teen depression is if his or her sadness has been persistent for more than two weeks.

However, if your teen does not seem to open up to you, you could turn to his or her friends for help. Teens tend to become very secretive with their parents at a certain age. So, it might be best to speak with their friends to know if there is anything that is going on with your child.

2. Problems With Grades

Teenager answering an examAnother sign of teen depression that you need to watch out for is poor school performance. If you notice that your child’s grade is declining due to lack of participation in class activities, then you need to see and assess if your kid is experiencing depression.

Teens who are suffering from depression tend to find it difficult to concentrate on things. Moreover, they also have difficulty in making decisions, which can significantly affect their health.

3. Falling Self-Esteem

Some teens with depression abruptly display poor self-esteem. They will often find something wrong with them and never seem to be content with how they look. Some also seek constant reassurance from people that they know in order to feel validation.

Other signs also include feeling unloved, worthless and helpless. If you notice any of these symptoms, the best thing to do is to speak with your teen about it and ask why he or she feels this way and what triggers these emotions.

4. Physical Manifestation

There are times when psychological pain manifests physically without any apparent cause. Frequently recurring headaches, as well as stomachaches, can be signs of depression. Another physical sign that your child may be experiencing depression is if he or she suddenly complains of fatigue or having no energy to perform the activities that he or she used to enjoy.

As a parent, you should focus on your child’s needs and give him or her support that he or she needs. While letting your kid attend group therapy sessions will greatly help, you still hold the key to ensuring that your child feels loved no matter what.

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