Knee Arthroscopy: A Reliable and Popular Surgical Procedure to Diagnose and Treat Knee Injuries

Knee arthroscopy or keyhole surgery is a procedure used by orthopedic specialists to diagnose and treat injuries to the joint. The procedure allows an experienced surgeon to address knee problems such as misaligned patella or torn meniscus. It involves making small incisions that allow for various instruments to enter the joint, identify the issue, and treat it without being too invasive.

An advanced antidote for pain

The problem of knee pain is often a complex issue involving different structures in the joint. Other parts of the pelvis and lower extremities may be involved as well. Knee pain can be debilitating, and loss of function could lead to mobility issues and loss of independence in doing daily activities.

Doctors usually handle a patient’s complaint of pain in the knee, which may be due to an acute injury or chronic condition, using conservative management. They only recommend surgery when it is the best option available, and when less invasive options have been exhausted.

Accurate diagnosis is critical to effective treatment, and arthroscopic surgery of the knee in a Provo clinic may be helpful in pinpointing the source or cause of knee pain. Some of the potential causes may include torn meniscus or cruciate ligaments, a poorly aligned patella, a torn cartilage that impedes on other knee structures, swollen knew joint lining, a cyst, or knee joint fracture. Once the doctor makes a specific diagnosis, he or she may correct the problem immediately or recommend other management options.

Dealing with the aftermath and recovery

Cool gel pack on a swollen kneeYour doctor will advise you on how to prepare for knee arthroscopy. The procedure does not take much time and will not leave a considerable scar. In fact, it takes only one hour from start to finish. Considered a minimally invasive surgery, the procedure does not require the patient to stay longer in the hospital

Most people can go back to work on the same day with an ice pack on the knee. That is usually sufficient to deal with the residual pain. But others may not be so lucky, particularly if they suffer from other comorbidities, they would likely spend a couple of days dealing with post-procedure swelling and pain.

After a few days, a follow-up appointment would inform you and your doctor if everything is fine with the knee. However, you must take full responsibility for your recovery and embark on an exercise regimen recommended by an orthopedic physical therapist. While recovery is essentially quick, full knee function is possible only if you cooperate with the rehabilitation team. Restoring the range of motion and strength of the knee should be your priority after arthroscopy.

So, when do you need keyhole surgery? If you’ve sustained knee injury at work or playing sports such as football, basketball, hockey, tennis, and volleyball, you would like to be referred to an orthopedic specialist. Arthroscopy is a procedure that can help the specialist diagnose the problem causing the symptoms, and it can also be used to repair damaged tissues inside the knee.

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