Managing your wisdom teeth Gordon with the help of your dentist

Wisdom teeth Gordon do not usually grow until you are an adult. By that time it is more than likely that the other 28 teeth have taken up all the available space in your mouth. In that case, instead of growing like a normal tooth, wisdom teeth Gordon get trapped or impacted in your jaw which makes them grow at other angles and the press against your back molars which causes pain and swelling. It also forms a narrow crevice between the teeth in which bacteria and food particles get stuck. This means that wisdom teeth are often very difficult to clean, attracting bacteria and causing infection, tooth decay and gum disease. This can cause further damage to the wisdom tooth and affect your adjacent healthy teeth. To help prevent further complications it is more than likely that your dentist will recommend that your wisdom teeth Gordon are removed.

dentist check up

Sometimes it may not be necessary to remove your wisdom teeth if you have sufficient space in your mouth. A small percentage of the population do not develop wisdom teeth and are lucky to be safer from such complications. However most of the population have wisdom teeth and often these need to be extracted. Wisdom teeth extraction carries its own risks such as infection and nerve damage however if your wisdom teeth are causing trouble then it is better to undergo an extraction sooner rather than later to prevent further complications and damage to your healthy teeth.

There are certain signs that indicate that you are ready for wisdom teeth extraction. Firstly if you are suffering from swollen, tender or bleeding gums, a sign of pericoronitis which can be painful and unpleasant then tooth extraction may be necessary for you. Other troubling signs that indicate that your wisdom teeth need removing include pain in your jaw, difficulty eating, infections, tooth decay and the development of cysts. Ignoring these signs can cause debilitating pain and can change the shape of your mouth.

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction is relatively simple. Firstly you will be given a local anaesthetic for your tooth and the area that surrounds it. If you suffer from dental anxiety then you can find out about other sedative techniques. In your gum, a small incision will be created to access the tooth and the tooth might be cut into small pieces so that it can be removed more easily through the opening. If the tooth has already erupted then there is less need for an incision to be made in the gum. The tooth will be rocked backwards and forwards to make the tooth socket wider so that the tooth can be released from the bone and the extraction is complete. If an incision has been made then you will be given dissolvable stitches to seal the gum. You may be asked to bite on a piece of gauze for the next hour to allow a clot to form and the bleeding to stop. The next 24-hours you should take some rest and avoid any pressure in your mouth which may cause bleeding. After 24-hours you should be able to resume with your normal activities.

Your dentist will be able to offer you payment plans and make wisdom teeth removal affordable for all. Do not suffer in silence, speak to your dentist today and find out more.

Disclaimer: All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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