Smiles from the Celtic Coast

Northern Ireland is an independent British colony, that borders with the Republic of Ireland – which expands over the majority of the islands’ landmass. Although Northern Ireland is smaller than the rest of the island, it is a country that condenses a rich and vibrant history into a comparatively small area. World renowned for its breathtaking scenery and social history, it was last year declared the No.1 region to visit in the world to visit by Lonely Planet. It’s capital, and largest city Belfast has a great number of attractions, such as the site where the famous ship the Titanic was first constructed – as well as a great number of metropolitan attractions such as award-winning restaurants, nightlife and some of Ireland’s most renowned dental practitioners.

Filling the gaps

One such dental practitioners operating out of Belfast is Blue Sky Dentistry, who offer patient orientated, bespoke dental work across a range of procedures. Consultations for the bedrock of the patient-practitioner relationship here, and treatments are only carried out after lingual discussions with a dentist the patient feels comfortable with. Dental implants are a procedure which is available here, and the results of which can vastly boost a patient’s self-confidence and restore their smiles. Implants are only generally used to replace teeth that are damaged beyond repair. The basis of the procedure is a small hole is drilled into the patient’s gums, and a titanium screw is inserted. Then, after a brief healing period – during which time the bone and titanium fuse together – a replica tooth constructed from porcelain is inserted within the screw. Thus, the gap between the patient’s teeth is filled with a virtually indistinguishable tooth – and their smile is restored to its full potential.

Shining through

woman smiling outdoors

Another service that is offered at Blue Sky, is teeth whitening. White teeth are generally synonymous with wealth and success, and today a rising amount of us are wanting to have smiles like the stars we see through films and media. As such, there has been an increased popularity in teeth whitening cosmetic procedures in recent years. Power Teeth Whitening is a blasting process whereby the patient’s outer mouth is first protected, before the dentist applies a layer of whitening gel directly to the teeth of the patient. Then, a high-powered laser is used to activate the bleaching ingredient within the gel. This non-invasive treatment causes no discomfort to the patient and can eradicate years of stains or damage to teeth from smoking or neglect instantaneously. Allowing patients to walk out of the practice with a Hollywood A-list smile the same day they walked in. Another teeth whitening procedure that is offer here is Home whitening, in which a custom-made mould is constructed of a patient mouth, and then – at home, at a time that suits them – a whitening gel is placed within the mould, and worn over the patients teeth. Results from this procedure take up to two weeks before coming to fruition – but when they do, patients can expect their teeth to be a great degree whiter and clearer than before, which can help boost their self-esteem innumerably.

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