Is it time for Invisalign? It must be! It’s your time to shine!

Do you look in the mirror at your misaligned teeth and think that you’ve missed the chance to get them realigned and should have done it when you were a teenager? If that’s how you are feeling, then you could be surprised to learn that it’s not too late! For patients with mild to moderate alignment issues, there is also a treatment that is discreet and convenient called Invisalign. Sometimes referred to as clear braces Sydney, these removable aligners are designed to push your teeth into the correct position in as little as 6 to 18 months on average.


All about Invisalign

Invisalign’s aligners are worn over the teeth and are made bespoke to fit your mouth precisely. Using iTero technology, an Invisalign dentist will use this scan to both get the measurements of your mouth and also to generate a 3D animation of how your teeth will look once your treatment is over. It can be a really motivational aspect of your treatment and it’s one that patients can get excited about as they see how their teeth will look before treatment has even started.

The advantages of Invisalign

Choosing Invisalign is like choosing a new pair of shoes – the aligners will feel a little funny to start with, but will soon become like your best friends, offering great comfort that’s supporting you through your journey. You will change your aligners on a regular basis and will be provided with sets of aligners every 6 weeks at your check-up appointment, so you won’t need to spend too much time heading to see the dentist and missing work or school. What’s more, by being able to remove your aligners for up to 2 hours a day, you won’t need to worry about adapting your diet or about your oral health routine suffering – you can brush and floss without anything impeding your efforts! Once your teeth are realigned, it should also be easier to clean your teeth properly, too.

The biggest advantage of Invisalign, however, is arguably the fact that when you are wearing the aligners, nobody else should realise that you are doing so. This discreet solution to getting a gorgeous smile is something that both teenagers and adults alike can relish! As long as you have your adult teeth, Invisalign could be a suitable treatment for you.

Find out more

If you are considering Invisalign, the first thing you will need to do is to find an Invisalign dentist. There are many dentists offering this treatment, so you may wish to look out for those who are in the top 1% and are accredited by Invisalign as Diamond Providers. This means that they have treated at least 151 patients annually with Invisalign and the award acknowledges their skills in this area.

Once you have found your dentist, book in for an initial consultation to discuss your concerns about your smile. This will allow the dentist to examine you and advise on treatment options. With convenience, discretion and precision, Invisalign could be the treatment you won’t want to miss. It’s time.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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