Worried about those first few weeks wearing Invisalign?

5 tips to to make wearing your new aligner easier

When it comes to dentistry, almost everybody knows how to handle certain dental conditions.

If you have a toothache, take some painkillers and call your dentist for a check-up. If you have had an extraction, take some painkillers, avoid hot or cold liquids and do not brush the area directly. And of course, if you have just had a filling, avoid chewing toffee!

When it comes to braces, there is little information available on how to handle those  first weeks with the brace fitted. Which foods should you avoid? Do you have to devise a new way to clean your teeth? Surprisingly, there is even less information and advice to help those fitted with an invisible brace cope during the early days of wearing the aligner. While invisible and clear braces are more comfortable than traditional orthodontic aligners, there are still a few nuggets of knowledge that can make the whole transition a bit more bearable.

When looking for a dental surgery to undertake any kind of brace, it is always best to look for a team that is well experienced and knowledgeable in all areas of orthodontics. Your dentist will need to advise on the best ways to manage your new aligners and in other areas, such as knowing how to keep them clean and when you need to switch the trays over, to get the best outcome from wearing Invisalign.

What are some top tips for getting through those first few weeks wearing Invisalign Read on to find out!

Tip 1- Protect your tongue!

When wearing anything new in your mouth, it is important to protect your tongue.

Although Invisalign is designed as one of the most comfortable aligners, it can still rub against your tongue and potentially cause sores.

Talk to your team about the application on invisible brace wax, which will soften those sharp edges and protect your tongue. It may also help to get in some new peroxide mouthwash too.


Tip 2 -Keep daily records

Remember, when wearing this brace, it is important to keep records of how long you have worn it for each day.

While the prescribed time is usually 22 hours per day, your dentist may advise a longer wear time, so make sure you keep track of your wearing habits.

Tip 3- Manage any discomfort

This brace is designed to move your teeth gently, but that can still be uncomfortable.

Using chewing motions will ease sore mouth muscles, and if necessary, use over the counter painkillers, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.

Tip 4- Remove your aligners carefully

While it may be tempting to remove these aligners with your fingers, it is recommended to use a device known as an ‘Ortho key,’ which removes the aligner with ease and doesn’t impact on the pressure of the aligner.

Tip 5- Clean your trays regularly

Aim to clean your aligners twice daily (like you do your teeth).

This will make it easier to successfully recognise when they need changing

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