Jawbone regeneration with dental implants Navan

When a tooth is lost either through poor dental hygiene or by accident, it can be a traumatic event. One of the consequences of tooth loss is jaw bone degeneration, which results in part of the patient’s face becoming gaunt due to the lack of support from reduced jawbone density. Fortunately, dental implants Navan can help to reduce that loss of bone density and prevent a gaunt facial look.

Affecting more than just the mouth

dentist teeth check up

When a patient is suddenly confronted with a lost tooth at either the front or back of their mouth, it can cause mental anguish. A rear tooth being lost will affect the nearest teeth as they will gradually shift towards the gap. Depending on which tooth was lost, eating habits may change if the tooth inhibits the ability to chew properly. Front tooth loss is so visible that it will cause a feeling of self-consciousness and can affect speech.

A revolutionary concept

For centuries, people have been trying to produce a stable replacement for lost teeth. From the ancient Egyptians to the Chinese, a variety of items, from shells to bamboo, have been used. In more modern times, dentures and bridges were the treatment of choice. In the 1950s, a revolutionary breakthrough became the forerunner of the dental implants used today.

Striving for a stable dental replacement

The need to find a way to mimic human teeth more closely was finally seeing progress. Since its discovery in the 1950s, the advances in technology have rapidly produced the dental implant that is considered the treatment of choice for lost teeth today. Dentures required an adhesive or a strong suction to provide some form of stability, whilst bridges needed adjacent teeth for support. Dental implants, on the other hand, provide their own support by being rooted into the jawbone, just like natural teeth.

An improved procedure

Dental implants allow patients to eat, drink, brush and floss normally. The procedure involves making a small incision in the gum where the lost tooth used to be. A titanium post is then screwed into the jawbone to act as the root; titanium and bone tend to infuse naturally, creating that important stability. There is usually a healing period before an abutment is screwed onto the titanium post. Creating a crown to fit onto the abutment is almost an art since the crown must be shaped and coloured to match the surrounding teeth. This new crown can then be attached to the abutment and will look and feel just like the original tooth that was lost.

More than one tooth

Dental implantology can now provide relief to patients who have lost one or more teeth. It is now possible to replace four teeth in a row on a single dental implant or a full set of teeth on just four dental implants. Dental implants are becoming more routine, and jawbone augmentation now receives a great deal of attention from dental science and technology, allowing more people to benefit from dental implants.

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