Oral implants: full restorative dentistry

Dental implants in Ipswich provide a full restorative dentistry option that can help to improve the function, appearance, and overall quality of life for people who have lost one or more teeth. These implants are designed to replace missing teeth with a permanent, natural-looking alternative that can help to restore chewing function and improve the appearance of the smile.

What are implants?

Oral implants are small, titanium rods that are surgically implanted into the jawbone to serve as a replacement for the root of a missing tooth. Once in place, the implant is used to support a crown, bridge, or denture to restore the function and appearance of the missing tooth. The process of getting implants typically involves a few steps. First, the patient will have an initial consultation with a dentist or oral surgeon to determine if implants are the right option for them. This will involve a thorough examination of the mouth and a discussion of the patient’s dental and medical history. If the patient is a good candidate for dental implants, the next step is the surgical procedure to place the implants. This is usually done under local anaesthesia and may involve making an incision in the gum tissue to expose the jawbone, drilling a small hole in the bone, and inserting the implant.

The implant is then left to heal and integrate with the surrounding bone, a process that can take several months. Once the implant has fully integrated, the dentist will attach a crown, bridge, or denture to the implant to restore the function and appearance of the missing tooth.

There are several types of  implants that can be used to replace missing teeth.

Endosteal implants


These are the most common type of implants and are inserted directly into the jawbone. They are typically used to support a single tooth, multiple teeth, or a full arch of teeth.

Subperiosteal implants

These implants are placed on top of the jawbone, under the gum tissue. They are typically used for people who have insufficient jawbone height or density to support endosteal implants.

Mini implants

These are smaller than traditional implants and are typically used to support smaller restorations, such as a single tooth or a partial denture.

Removable implants

These implants are used to support removable dentures or partials. They are typically inserted into the jawbone and have a ball-and-socket attachment that allows the denture or partial to be easily removed and reattached.

The factors that affect the success of implants

There are several factors that can affect the success of implants. The overall health of the patient is an important factor because implants require a strong and healthy jawbone to support them. People who have certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune diseases, may not be good candidates for implants because their conditions could affect the healing process. In addition, people who smoke or have a history of gum disease may be at an increased risk for implant failure, because these factors can affect the health of the gums and jawbone.

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