Stop the World from Spinning! How to Treat Vertigo

Have you come across the condition known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)? What you think may be dizziness associated with colds or sinusitis could already be a symptom of a much more complex disease. In BPPV, the world moves around you—spinning without relief. The symptoms can be disabling. Medical experts affiliated with a Colorado hearing and balance clinic explained how current treatments can help patients suffering from BPPV.

It All Starts from a Hearing Infection

In some cases, vertigo with BPPV arises from an inner ear infection. The hearing and balance organs are located within this part of the ear. Therefore, it is not surprising that vertigo could arise from an ear disease. Physical trauma or other head injuries may cause problems as well. Although considered a balance disorder, BPPV features a host of other symptoms, all of which could limit a person’s ability to function in daily life.

It All Depends on the Position of the Head

A diagnosis of BPPV may take time. The doctor would order several tests to rule out conditions that may mimic BPPV. There are so many variables and factors to consider before the doctor gives a definitive diagnosis. Nevertheless, if you suffer from intense vertigo after a specific change in the position of your head, then you are probably suffering from the condition.

Getting a Proper Diagnosis from a Qualified Physician

The exact cause of BPPV is largely undetermined. If you always feel the sensation of vertigo with a specific position of the head, do not delay a consultation with a hearing or balance specialist. A physician specializing in diagnosing diseases of the ears, nose, throat, neck, and head could help ascertain if you have the condition.

Some medical tests that may be relevant are hearing examination, CT scan of the head, blood tests, and a test for the vestibular system known as electronystagmogram or ENG. A positive result in the ENG is a good indicator of the presence of an inner ear disorder.

A Closer Look at the Symptoms of BPPV

The presence of crystals in the inner ear is believed to result in the pronounced symptoms of BPPV. If you are confused as to the difference between dizziness and vertigo, then allow us to shed light on the matter. Dizziness is akin to lightheadedness, while vertigo refers to a sensation of rotation or spinning. This perception of movement, which is not present in oneself or the environment, separates vertigo from dizziness.

Treatment for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Doctor examined the patient's ear with Otoscope

In many instances, BPPV resolves by itself. Before surgery is considered, conservative treatment options may offer relief. Some people respond well to medication. Others experience respite when the head is moved in a certain direction. These head exercises influence the position of the “rocks” in the inner ear, which relieve symptoms.

BPPV is a disturbance of balance and postural orientation associated with inner ear problems. if you experience some trauma to your ears or feel slight dizziness when moving, you need to see an experienced doctor who can provide an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment protocol.

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