What do orthodontists do? An overview

Overseeing the movement of teeth is a specialised field of dentistry that focuses on the alignment of teeth and jaws. Orthodontists are dental professionals who have completed additional training in this area and are qualified to diagnose and treat orthodontic problems. They use a variety of methods and technologies, including braces, aligners, and retainers, to correct misaligned teeth and improve the appearance and function of the bite.

Is dental movement performed by dentists?

This type of dental care is typically carried out by orthodontists, who are specialised dentists who have received additional training in this field. Dentists may also be able to provide some orthodontic services like orthodontics Navan, but they are generally not as qualified as orthodontists to diagnose and treat more complex orthodontic problems. If you think you may need orthodontic treatment, it is generally best to see an orthodontist for a thorough evaluation and treatment plan.

dentist with assistant

Treatments and procedures

There are many different treatments and procedures available in orthodontics, and the best option for you will depend on your specific needs and goals.


Braces are the most traditional and widely used orthodontic treatment. They consist of metal or ceramic brackets that are attached to the teeth and connected by a wire, which is tightened over time to move the teeth into the desired position.


Clear aligners are a newer and more subtle orthodontic option that consists of clear, removable plastic trays that fit over the teeth. They are custom-made to fit the unique shape of your teeth and are worn for most of the day, gradually moving the teeth into the desired position.


Retainers are used to help maintain the position of the teeth after orthodontic treatment is completed. They may be fixed (permanently attached to the teeth) or removable, and are typically worn at night or for a certain number of hours each day.

dentist showing an xray

The factors that influence the success of orthodontic treatments

There are several factors that can influence the success of orthodontic treatments.

  • Orthodontic treatment is generally most beneficial when the bones of the face and jaw are still growing and developing, which is typically during the teenage years. However, adults can also benefit from orthodontic treatment, and many orthodontists specialise in adult care.
  • The severity of the problem. The more severe the misalignment of the teeth and jaws, the more complex the treatment will be and the longer it may take.
  • Compliance of the patient. The success of orthodontic treatment also depends on the patient’s willingness to follow the prescribed treatment plan and to maintain good oral hygiene.

The potential of braces and aligners to enhance a person’s smile and confidence

Aligners and braces can have a significant impact on a person’s appearance and self-esteem. Straight, evenly spaced teeth are generally considered more attractive and can improve a person’s smile and confidence. In addition, orthodontic treatment can also improve the function of the teeth and jaws, which can make it easier to chew, speak, and maintain good oral hygiene.

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