How can orthodontics help?

Orthodontics in Weybridge can be instrumental in giving a patient the smile they have always wanted.  Having teeth that are misaligned can have a significant impact on self-confidence.  This lack of confidence can mean that a person does not reach their potential in many ways, including socially, romantically and in terms of climbing the career ladder.  This is a guide to the kinds of issues that can be treated with orthodontics and what options are available.

What kind of issues are treated with orthodontics?

People who have teeth that are overcrowded, crooked or which stick out are usually candidates for treatment with braces.  This usually means that the bite (in which the teeth line up when closed) is incorrect.  As well as often causing a person to feel less confident than they should about their smile, teeth that are misaligned can also result in some health problems.

They can be much harder to keep clean, as it is very difficult for the patient to clean around and in between teeth than are poorly positioned.  The result of this can be that the person suffers from a build up of plaque and food debris in the teeth, which can cause bad breath and even gum disease if the issue is not resolved.

Traditional fixed braces

This is probably the most commonly known means of altering misaligned teeth.  They are composed of metal wires and brackets that are fitted to the front of the teeth and are adjusted manually by the orthodontist at regular visits.  These adjustments help to gradually move the teeth into the optimum position.  These braces are often considered the most effective treatment for almost any misalignment issue of the teeth, even some of the most severe cases.

invisible braces

Incognito braces

Incognito braces are very similar to traditional fixed braces in that they are composed of metal wires and brackets.  They differ due to the fact that they are positioned behind the teeth rather than in front of them.  This makes them a popular choice because they offer great results whilst being very subtle.  It is not obvious to others that the patient is wearing these braces because of their position. This means that they are a great option for people who feel self-conscious about having their teeth corrected.


Invisalign is the trade name of invisible braces.  They are invisible because they are completely transparent, so no one need know if the patient is wearing these.  They are composed of removable trays of very soft plastic that are placed over the teeth.  These trays are also known as aligners. They are designed to be worn for 22 out of every 24 hours.  Every few weeks, the patient is given a new set of aligners that fits slightly differently.  Over time, the aligners help to gently move the teeth into the best possible position.

These are just some of the options available for anyone who wishes to have straighter teeth.  The best way to decide which is the right one for the individual is to book a consultation with the orthodontist to get tailored advice on what would be most appropriate.

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